Monday, July 23, 2012

Southside Garden Tour -August 18

Good news for all of the supporters of Peace Garden, Pgh and the garden at 11th and Bingham!

Our community garden will be featured on the first annual Southside Garden Tour hosted by Green n'at on Saturday, August 18th. The tour will start at 18th and Carson and will go from 10-2. You will need to buy tickets (for a suggested donation of $5.oo) which you can find around the city and at the Enchanted Garden on 13th Street. Be sure to let us know if you have any questions.

We are asking for volunteers to help show off our hard work at the garden and talk to guests about some of the unique features of our garden. Let S.J. or Anthony know if you are interested in doing so. This is our chance to show how cool our neighborhood really is!